Preventing Sexual Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace
2 hrs | 4 hrs
Creating and maintaining optimum workplace cultures are of paramount concern to public agency leaders everywhere. The presence of discrimination, harassment and bullying can adversely impact the effective operations of a public agency, as well as create painful and costly implications for all affected employees, not to mention the general public who receives services from these public agencies.
Employers have an ethical responsibility to keep workplaces free from all forms of harassment and discrimination. This workshop is custom designed for managers and supervisors (2 hour) and for staff (1 hour) to educate and inform on the compliance obligations in recognizing, preventing and responding to sexual harassment and other types of sexual and gender-based discrimination in the workplace.
Participants will learn how to recognize the types of sexual harassment and how to appropriately respond to sexual harassment complaints. The workshop contains, lecture, small group exercises and hypotheticals.
To schedule a class:
Please send an email to